Andrew Hong,

Peter Malinovsky,


Suresh Damodaran

Temporal Attack Detection in Multimodal Cyber-Physical Systems with Sticky HDP-HMM (pdf, video)

Modern and legacy cyber-physical systems produce logs of operational behavior from sensors to network traffic; analyzing these heterogeneous logs to consistently identify attack signals is a difficult problem. In this work, we propose a flexible temporal non-parametric Bayesian framework for identifying these attacks based on sticky Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model (sHDP-HMM). The advantage of this approach is that it does not require detailed information on the system architecture, and it works for systems with unknown multimodal behavior, yielding interpretable inference. We demonstrate the efficacy of this framework for accurate identification of attacks from cyber and physical attack vectors on two different CPS: an avionics testbed and a consumer robot.